The “body” of the LogPlot log is where the downhole data will be displayed. Body items include vertical scalebar, bargraphs, bargraph values, curves, crossplot curves, horizontal and vertical text, lithology patterns and descriptions, cuttings percentages, well construction diagrams, downhole images, tadpoles, projected fractures, water levels, symbols, and interval bars.
- Display soil/rock type patterns and “keywords” plus any extended descriptions in any font, color, and style. Turn on/off automatic offset, divider lines, keywords, extended descriptions, and more
- Display interbedded layers in the pattern column
- Show cuttings percentages of up to 20 components
- Plot general comments and text entries as wrappable text with any font, style, and color, with alignment and margins
- Plot vertical text intervals for age/formation names
- Label depths or elevation with scale bars. Include either or both English and metric units.
- Display true elevation for deviated boreholes.
- Include vector and raster symbols for representation of water level, drill stem tests, sample intervals, etc.
- Illustrate quantitative data as curves, with variable line styles, fills, symbols, wrapping, reference grid, automatic legends, and cross-plot fills, linear or logarithmic scaling. Scale curves automatically to data, and change scaling for any user-specified depth range(s).
- Display quantitative data as bar graphs with variable colors, fills, and automatic value labels, with linear or logarithmic scaling. Scale bar graphs automatically to data.
- Show sampling intervals filled with vertical bars.
- Detailed well construction diagrams for single or multiple borings, now with linked keyword and caption display
- Insert bitmaps to illustrate core samples, fossils, etc.
- Display dipmeter readings with Tadpole symbols indicating direction and dip angle.
- Or, project fracture data onto a plane and display using custom colors and line thicknesses.