Register and Unlock Software

Real-time Unlocking Codes:
Request an online code to transform your trial software into the full version.
Where: The RockWare Customer Portal
For: RockWorks20xx, RockWorks17, LogPlot 20XX, LogPlot8AqQA 1.5.
* You create (or have already created) a user account in the Portal.
* Your license Registration Number or Serial Number (issued at time of purchase).
* The program’s “Installation Number” which is displayed in its licensing screen.


Email Unlocking Codes:
Request a code to transform your trial software into the full version. We’ll reply by email during business hours.
Where: The RockWare Registration Form, below.
For: RockWorks20xx, RockWorks17, LogPlot20XX, LogPlot8, PetraSim, AqQA 1.5.
* Your license Registration Number (issued at time of purchase).
* The program’s “Installation Number” which is displayed in its licensing screen.


You must have purchased a license to request an unlocking code.
Need help? See RockWorks Licensing, LogPlot Licensing, or AqQA Licensing for instructions.