RockWorks Support Policy

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Click on a link below to view RockWorks Support Policy.

If you have purchased a different product from us, please review the manual for the developer’s contact information. If you are unable to find any contact information then please call or email RockWare, we would be happy to supply you with the contact information of the developer.

RockWare Software Technical Support

Technical Support is offered for Subscription (Annual), Single, and Network licenses for the RockWorks software. Users of valid licenses may receive free technical support by email from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (US Mountain time zone) Mon – Fri, excluding standard US holidays.

Supported versions include RockWorks17, RockWorks20XX. *

Email inquiries should be sent to tech at and include the name of the program you are using, the revision date of the program and your license’s registration number (displayed in Help | About), your contact information, and a thorough description of the problem.

Technical support topics include answering questions about the functionality of the software, correcting problems resulting from user error, and providing advice on system related issues such as connecting to other software or troubleshooting program errors. For extended support beyond these issues, including external database setup and advice on modeling parameters, you can post to public internet forums or arrange for consulting.

Rates for on-site technical sessions are negotiable. Please call for pricing and reservations.

(* RockWorks20 is the current version. Its 4-digit version number increments each year: 2020, 2021, 2022, etc.)

RockWare Software Maintenance

Maintenance is offered for Single and Network licenses for the RockWorks software. New purchases of and upgrades to RockWorks20XX include one year of maintenance. Maintenance includes the support options listed above, as well as 30 minutes of phone support, software updates (new features and bug fixes) which we post ~ monthly, and upgrades to new versions.

After the expiration of the 12 month period, maintenance can be renewed for a fee. If you choose not to renew, you are still eligible to use the software, however you will not be able to use a revision that is newer than your maintenance expiration date (no new features or bug fixes). You will be eligible for technical support via email, under the terms described in the above section.

Starting in RockWorks17 and continuing to RockWorks20XX, upgrades to new versions are only offered under this maintenance plan and cannot be purchased separately.*

You may renew maintenance at any time by paying the annual maintenance fee plus any maintenance fees not paid since the previous maintenance term expired. If you renew on time (before your maintenance lapses) the annual fee is 15% of the price of a new license of the software at the time of renewal. If your maintenance has lapsed the rate is 18% (effective August 1, 2019).

To renew your maintenance, please visit the RockWare Customer Portal (new Portal users can create an account with your email and license serial number). You can also order by contacting our sales group.

(* Feature level upgrades (such as from RockWorks Standard to RockWorks Advanced) or license type upgrades (such as from RockWorks Single to RockWorks Network license) can be purchased separately, by paying the difference in price and any lapsed maintenance fees. Upgrades to RockWorks20XX can also be purchased for licenses of RockWorks16 and older.)

RockWorks Support Forum

The RockWorks Support Forum is an independent group of users who share comments and results and answer questions of general interest. This is the best place to start for software support.

The group also serves as a bulletin board for posting announcements, bug notices, patches, and other current information about the RockWorks software.

Visit the RockWorks Support Forum!

RockWorks Software End of Life

Technical support, software downloads, and unlocking codes are provided for the current version of RockWorks and the two previous versions, provided that the last update of the version is not more than 6 years old.

Beginning on January 1, 2025 we will no longer provide any technical support or license activation for versions of RockWorks17 with a maintenance expiration date in 2018, or earlier versions of RockWorks.

These licenses may still be eligible for upgrade to the most current version of RockWorks, contact RockWare for details.