RockWorks Advanced

RockWorks Advanced contains all of the tools in the Basic and Standard levels. It also offers professional level features, including automation tools and support of enterprise databases.

RockWorks Automation

Playlists – Easy to build, easy to run

Use the Playlist button in any of the application windows to add that program and its current settings to the playlist. With RockWorks Advanced, there is no limit to how many items are included in a single playlist. You can build as many playlists as you like.

If you use RockWorks to create multiple diagrams from your project data, such as sequential cross sections or date-specific maps and models, these playlists are a life-saver! Especially if new data becomes available – just enter the data, run the playlist, and go have lunch; when you return, your maps, models, sections, fences, reports, etc. will be waiting for you.

Command Scripts – Streamline your playlists

Playlists record every possible setting in each program that you add to the list. If you are automating dozens of functions, the lists can get long. Though you don’t ever need to look under the hood of the playlist files, if you are a purist and loved the simplicity of RCL scripts (from earlier versions of RockWorks), then command scripts are for you. Just build a playlist, export it to a command script, and edit/expand it to your heart’s content.

Command scripts can also be run from a command line, for “hands-free” automation. Command scripts are only offered in the RockWorks Advanced feature level.

RockWare Software: RockWorks
RockWorks automated profile diagrams

MS-SQL Server Database Support

The default RockWorks database is a SQLite database. With RockWorks Advanced, you can also set up a connection to an MS-SQL database for company-wide connectivity.

RockWare Software: RockWorks
RockWorks database options

Unlimited Faults

Create / import vertical and 3D faults into RockWorks, with no limit per project. Select the faults to be active and then apply them to your surface modeling, stratigraphy modeling, and/or solid (block) modeling to isolate the modeling within faulted regions. It applies a barrier during modeling such that the data on the other side of the fault (relative to the node currently being estimated) will not influence the node. Simple or complex fault “ribbons” can be used.

Define single faults or multiple, each with two or more X, Y, Z, dip-direction, dip-angle measurements.

RockWare Software: RockWorks
RockWorks Faulted Lithology Model with a 3D "dip ribbon"

Oil and Gas Production Data

Use the Production table in the RockWorks database for storing well production data by date and for generating a variety of graphs in 2D and 3D, and for output to Google Earth.

RockWare Software: RockWorks
RockWorks Oil and Gas Production Graphs

Import Commercial Land Grids

RockWorks comes with a free “LandBase” of US Range-Township-Section locations, gleaned from a variety of public sources. This is available for all levels of the program.

If you’ve purchased a detailed land grid from a commercial source, you can import that data into the LandBase for use in your projects using RockWorks Advanced. RockWorks reads data from IHS (Petroleum Information / Dwights), TMC (Topographic Mapping Company), Tobin / GII/ASCII-31, Tobin / TDRBM II, and White Star.

RockWare Software: RockWorks
RockWorks Section Map