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Andy G Grubbs

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Everything posted by Andy G Grubbs

  1. I like global mapper for working with Lidar It imports the LAS format that much of the data comes in and it can export grids as rockworks format. It will export a grid of all loaded data sets if desired. My question is, will rockworks add the capability to directly import LAS format lidar data sets and will support for the state plane projection system be developed. Here in Texas a lot of data is avaliable in Texas State plane NAD 83 feet. Counties and the local multi county regional planning agencies use that projection. That is where I get most of my lidar data. so I have to jump it thru a gis program to bring it into Rockworks
  2. I have a data set that has some well information in a arcview .shp file and other data in a dbf. The .shp files have the lat/long locations and the .dbf has the well depths. Both files have a API number column that I can use to match up the files. In RW15 I can now load the .shp into the utilities page. Is there a way to append the data from one file into another in the utilities, or is there a way to add to the borehole page from a second sheet in the utilities. There is another issue in that production in this county started back in the early 1920s so I have a couple thousand wells that have truncated API # which only give the state and county codes but have no unique well identifier so these should be filtered out. Is there a easy way to do this in Rockworks or is this something I need to do in a spreadsheet or GIS program before bringing into RW15 ? Thanks
  3. What about a fault with a varying amount of displacement ? For example a relay ramp . In my area of Texas there are a lot of en echelon faults. Vertical displacement along any individual fault starts small and builds towards a area with the maximum displacement and then dies out futher along the trend. Often there are relay ramps where the faults come close to meeting where small cross faults even out the displacement
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