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  2. Is it possible to export the T-Data or P-Data to a text file with an additional column for the corresponding stratigraphy, so that each T-Data or P-Data log value has its corresponding stratigraphy listed next to it?
  3. I am glad it was an easy fix! Please don't hesitate to reach out if you run into any other issues.
  4. Hi Paul, I'm very embarrassed to admit it but it was an issue with a sneaky superface that was restricting the elevation past a point that I hadn't even realized was enabled. Thank you for the reminder as to what it could be though! You really helped me get past this silly block that had been standing in the way of a project for longer than I'd care to admit.
  5. Good afternoon Kali, It looks like there is an upper constraining surface that is stopping your Lithology data from extrapolating any higher than what it is currently set to. For your Lithologic model are you currently using a Superface to constrain the model, or do you have any of the Spatial Filters turned on that would limit the upper bounds of the model? If you would like to zip up your project and send it to us at tech@rockware.com we would be happy to look at it as well.
  6. I'm currently working with some soil data and I've opted to construct a section to show off the lithology underneath the surface. The problem is that the data that was collected from the boreholes does not extrapolate higher than the lowest borehole in the section. This is a problem when we want to include something like a surface profile, as the areas between the tops of the lower elevation boreholes and higher ones simply does not fill in, not even as a block which could then be trimmed by using a surface profile. Is there some setting that I'm missing here to allow it to do this? Is it that the lithologic data doesn't line up quite right, or is there something else that I'm missing entirely here. Any help would be very appreciated!
  7. A new version of RockWorks was uploaded to the RockWare website, with new features, improvements, and bug fixes. The RockWorks Revision History includes complete lists, by date, of all changes in the program. New Features: A new program titled "Solid Evaluation" has been added for quantifying the "goodness-of-fit" for an interpolated solid model. The new program generates a report with diagrams that depict the accuracy of a solid (block) model relative to the original control points that were used to interpolate the voxel values. Import RockWare's AqQA data file (*.aqq) into the Utilities Datasheet. File | Import | Aq•QA Point-source stochastic flow path simulation program added to RockWorks. ModOps | Grid | Set Grid Fault flag - Takes an input and output RwGrd file name and the program simply checks on/off the Fault flag for the output file. A new program titled "Grid Evaluation" has been added for quantifying the "goodness-of-fit" for an interpolated grid model. It generates a report with diagrams that depict the accuracy of a grid model relative to the original control points used to interpolate the grid values. RockWorks can create a map featuring rose diagrams that depict wind directions at one or more data collection sites. Select the Wind Roses program from the Utilities / Maps pull-down menu. The radii of the petals are proportional to the relative percentages, while the color of the petal bands represents the wind speed. Improvements: The Borehole Manager / Fractures / Stereonet and Stereonet Map programs now provide a means to adjust the great circle color and thickness. RockWorks no longer attempts to use the Window Media Player. The Row-Based (formerly called Multi-Table) Import to the Borehole Manager for both Excel and Text imports can be added to a Playlist and edited from a Playlist. When you rename a file in the Project Manager, it will be sorted alphabetically within the list of files, rather than appearing at the bottom of the list for its file type. The Flow Path (Drainage Net) Map, 3D Flow Diagram, Flow Table, and Upgradient Drainage Area programs within the Utilities / Hydrology menu group have been revamped and updated to compute quicker. Added the option to export a PRJ file from RockWorks that could be used to set the projection in Global Mapper or other GIS programs. Improved the Filter | Remove Disabled Rows tool so that after you select this filter it will result in a smaller file, as one would expect. Maps | Point Symbols - Map Overlays now include the option to plot Boreholes. Bug Fixes: The grid smoothing "size" and "passes" settings are no longer reversed within the modeling code. The Prefix and Suffix settings for the southern label within a radially-labeled point map are no longer reversed. The raster exports (e.g., BMP, JPG, PNG , & PDF) within the RockPlot3D / File / Export menu no longer swap the reds and blues when configured to use the hardware (graphics card) OpenGL driver. The Borehole Operations / I-Data / Section / Hole-to-Hole Interpolation and Projected Section programs no longer skip boreholes with just one I-Data value. This makes the program more useful for scenarios where a single sample represents the geochemistry within a screened interval. To download this software build, use the Help | Updates | Check for Updates menu inside RockWorks. Or visit our website and click on the RockWorks Free Trial tab: https://www.rockware.com/product/rockworks/ where you can download the installation program and install the new build right over the top of the existing program. (DO NOT uninstall first.) Note that you will not be able to use this new build of the program if your maintenance has expired before December 2024. Contact RockWare Sales or visit our Customer Portal (https://www.rockware.com/customer/) if you would like to update your maintenance. Katy Duncan RockWare Inc
  8. Good morning! Using the samples database I was unable to replicate the error messages that you were running into. When you are going through the work flow of importing your data are all of your bitmaps stored within the RockWorks project folder and not under any sort of subfolders? Below is a screenshot from the Bitmap excel tab of how to format your data prior to importing it into RockWorks. Under the Filename column you can see that it is referencing the image name as it is assumed that all of the images are already in the RockWorks project folder. This may be an issue given file size, but if you would like to zip up your project folder and send it to tech@rockware.com, or provide your excel import table with a few of the bitmap images you are working with we can try to recreate this on our end using your data.
  9. When importing boreholes from Excel with bitmap data I always get the "Bitmap "File name" is bad" error message no matter what I do. When trying to export bitmap data from rockworks as excel table I always get the "invalid index" error. Do you know what could be the problem here?
  10. Simple fix, shut down program and reopen and program operates fine. Maybe there is a refresh button also? Solved but curious why?
  11. Stange problem upon transferring BH database to BH data fields. Data properly charted to correct field. Viewing functionality with pointer or scroll not happening, point to BH 104 and 102 shows. Try to move to 110 and 102 still shows. Must be a simple fix but I have not found it yet Thank you for suggestions
  12. Hi, I would like to know how to do declustering, compositing and how to integrate variographic calculations when estimating resources with Rockworks. Is it possible to process magnetic and gravity data on RockWorks (including doing constrained and unconstrained 3D inversions of these data with RockWorks)? Thanks in advance for your feedback
  13. Thank you Alison for your reply
  14. Vale, Unfortunately, we no longer support PetraSim v2016 and I cannot think of a way to get around this error. It looks like it was resolved in PetraSim v2017 and later versions. If you would like to contact RockWare with your licensing information, we can determine if you are eligible to use a newer version of the software. You can contact us at tech@rockware.com. Best Regards, Alison
  15. Hello, We are experiencing a problem with Petrasim 2016. we are trying to set-up a model in which we would like to assign different temperature gradient to the layers. As soon as we click on Layer > edit layers > initial conditions > temperature > function, the software crashes. the java error we get is the following: PetraSim Version: 2016.2.0523 x64 Date: 16-set-2024 10.16.30 java.lang.NullPointerException at petrasim.value.EditValue$ValueEditorLinear3d.getValues(Unknown Source) at petrasim.value.EditValue$ValueEditorLinear3d.lambda$editValue$43(Unknown Source) at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(InvocationEvent.java:311) at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(EventQueue.java:756) at java.awt.EventQueue.access$500(EventQueue.java:97) at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(EventQueue.java:709) at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(EventQueue.java:703) at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) at java.security.ProtectionDomain$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(ProtectionDomain.java:76) at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:726) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(EventDispatchThread.java:201) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(EventDispatchThread.java:116) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(EventDispatchThread.java:109) at java.awt.WaitDispatchSupport$2.run(WaitDispatchSupport.java:184) at java.awt.WaitDispatchSupport$4.run(WaitDispatchSupport.java:229) at java.awt.WaitDispatchSupport$4.run(WaitDispatchSupport.java:227) at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) at java.awt.WaitDispatchSupport.enter(WaitDispatchSupport.java:227) at java.awt.Dialog.show(Dialog.java:1084) at java.awt.Component.show(Component.java:1673) at java.awt.Component.setVisible(Component.java:1625) at java.awt.Window.setVisible(Window.java:1014) at java.awt.Dialog.setVisible(Dialog.java:1005) at thunderheadeng.gui.guiDialog.setVisible(Unknown Source) at thunderheadeng.gui.guiDialog.beginShowing(Unknown Source) at thunderheadeng.gui.guiDialog.doModal(Unknown Source) at petrasim.gui.Actions$EditLayerAction.run(Unknown Source) at petrasim.gui.Actions$PetraSimAction$1.run(Unknown Source) at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(InvocationEvent.java:311) at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(EventQueue.java:756) at java.awt.EventQueue.access$500(EventQueue.java:97) at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(EventQueue.java:709) at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(EventQueue.java:703) at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) at java.security.ProtectionDomain$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(ProtectionDomain.java:76) at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:726) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(EventDispatchThread.java:201) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(EventDispatchThread.java:116) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:105) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:101) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:93) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(EventDispatchThread.java:82) We understand this is a Java related problem, but we don't know how to manage it. Java software installed is: Java RE Version 8 Update 401 We need to use the software for an ongoing project. Any solutions? Best Regards, Vale
  16. A new version of RockWorks was uploaded to the RockWare website, with new features, improvements, and bug fixes. The RockWorks Revision History includes complete lists, by date, of all changes in the program. New Features: A button titled "RockWare Knowledge Base" has been added along the right edge of the main menu bar. Clicking on this button will load the RockWare Knowledge Base into your web browser. A new program titled “DXF → Polygon Table” has been added to the Utilities / Misc menu. A new version of the Raster → Grid program is available w/ bug fixes and a menu re-design. Many improvements have been made to the ModOps / Grid / Import programs. A must read whitepaper! An option titled "Rosegrams" has been added to the symbol options for all programs that create 2-D maps from borehole data. This new capability produces maps that depict lithology or stratigraphy as radial bar graphs without the need for any modeling. A new interpolation method titled "Radial Basis" has been added to the 3D block model algorithm list. This new algorithm produces smooth models that honor the data. Improvements: Two changes have been made to the Graphics / 2D Tools / Montage program. The program now provides a means to not re-dimension the diagrams. And, the program now includes options for adding additional content (e.g., legends) to the final diagram. The Multi-Table import into the Borehole Manager will now allow multiple blocks of a given data type, say 3 blocks of Interval-Text data. When a menu is activated, RockWorks positions it where it was last placed. This can create a problem for laptop users. To eliminate this problem, the program will now check to see if a menu is positioned on a visible monitor after it has been opened. If it isn't, the menu will be automatically moved and maximized onto the main monitor (e.g., the laptop screen). A new option for the Export All-Tracks for I-Data, I-Text, P-Data, P-Text and T-Data is the ability to export only those tracks that actually have data. This eliminates empty columns in the export. Bug Fixes: The 2D Peripherals / Image option now works correctly. The previous version would only plot the image if it was in a folder different from the current project folder. The Contour Line table was specified in both the 2D Grid Map and 3D Grid Diagram menus. The 3D menu setting won out as it was the last to be saved which overwrote the 2D settings. The Contour Line table now uses different variables for 2D and 3D menus. New Feature: A program titled K-Means Clustering has been added to the ModOps / Statistics sub-menu. To download this software build, use the Help | Updates | Check for Updates menu inside RockWorks. Or visit our website and click on the RockWorks Free Trial tab: https://www.rockware.com/product/rockworks/ where you can download the installation program and install the new build right over the top of the existing program. (DO NOT uninstall first.) Note that you will not be able to use this new build of the program if your maintenance has expired before August 2024. Contact RockWare Sales or visit our Customer Portal (https://www.rockware.com/customer/) if you would like to update your maintenance. Katy Duncan RockWare Inc
  17. Update: I have experimented with the export to DXF/AutoDesk feature and importing the DXF file to my existing geodatabase. This appears to retain vertical exaggeration but issues are encountered with user-friendliness in converting CAD to useful GIS components. Thank you for the info, Katy.
  18. There are no options to preserve the vertical exaggeration for the export. This program is used to export the active layers of the current RockPlot2D display to an ESRI Shape file format, for use with ArcGIS. Three shape types are exported: Points: Circles, Symbols, Text Polylines: Lines, Polylines (such as contour lines), Arrows Polygons: Color contours, polygons Other items in the RockPlot2D graphic will be ignored. It is highly recommended to limit the kinds of data that are being exported at any one time - use RockPlot2D's layers pane (on the right side) to enable/disable the items to be exported/not exported. Sorry, but we don't have any GIS software to test the import with currently.
  19. Attempting to export a vertically exaggerated cross section (stratigraphy profile) for deliverable finalization in ArcGIS Pro and upon import to GIS, vertical exaggeration is reduced to 1:1. Is there a way to preserve the vertical exaggeration from the rockplot viewer when exporting to a shapefile? Or am I doing something wrong upon importing to GIS, and it is not a rockworks issue? See the attached photos for reference.
  20. An updated version of LogPlot has been loaded to the RockWare website! Bug Fix: Start with multiple compiled logs (lpt8 or View tab). Added the ability to do a mass pdf (image) export using the >File >Export menu. You can refer to the complete LogPlot revision list: https://www.rockware.com/support/logplot-support/logplot-revision-list/ To download this build visit the LogPlot Free Trial tab (https://www.rockware.com/product/logplot/) where you can download the installation program and install the new build. Note that the software will not be automatically licensed if your maintenance has expired before July 2024, and the software will be installed in trial mode. If you would like to renew your maintenance, contact RockWare Sales. Katy Duncan RockWare Inc
  21. Leah, It looks like you probably need to add some additional control for your lower units either at the bottom of or below C-06. Because there is currently no data for these units listed for this borehole, the program is using shallower data from the surrounding boreholes to create shallower surfaces that are then truncating the upper units. You can simply list the top and the base of the units using the TD for the borehole, or you could even list them with depths below the TD if you have a general idea of unit thicknesses in the area. Regarding your borehole elevations, you can update the elevation stored in the database to match an RwGrd file through the Edit | Adjust Elevations from Grid menu in the Borehole Manager tab. Just keep in mind that this will overwrite the existing elevation values in the database, so you may want to back this data up if you need to preserver it. I hope this helps, please let us know if you have additional questions. Best Regards, Alison
  22. I am modeling stratigraphy for a site with 70 boreholes. Stratigraphy is highly variable spatially and with depth. I have used the stratigraphic picker tool to define the intervals present and not present (zero thickness) for all the boreholes onsite. The model is interpolating the units incorrectly and I am not sure how to fix this issue. Within the stratigraphic picker tool, the units look correct. 1. How do I get the model to mirror the observed stratigraphic units? 2. Is there a way to constrain the boreholes to the topo grid file? 3. Why is the model not interpolating stratigraphic units (i.e. C-06) below a certain depth? Any help would be appreciated.
  23. A new version of RockWorks was uploaded to the RockWare website, with new features, improvements, and bug fixes. The RockWorks Revision History includes complete lists, by date, of all changes in the program. New Features: A button titled "Set to Project's Values" has been added to the Borehole Operations / Lithology / Volumetrics menu. This button will copy the values for the current Project Dimensions to the Upper Elevation, Lower Elevation, and Interval. A button has been added to adjust the end point coordinates to match the value range. It is now possible to automatically set the elevation for the image within the Graphics / Images / Float program to the project minimum or maximum z-value. These new options are also available within the 3D program that include an option for adding a floating image to the diagram. The Cage options which are used to add perimeter annotation to 3D diagrams now include an option to add a small north arrow to the diagram. A smoothing option has been added to the ModOps / Solid / Extract Grids / Solid → Thickness Grid. Several new options have been added to the Multivariate Lithology Map menu that is accessed via the Borehole Operations / Lithology pull-down menu. The Dimensions / Scan programs now include an option to add a buffer around the suggested project dimensions. The DEM (Digital Elevation Model) import program now includes options for specifying if the elevation data is stored in a South-to-North or West-to-East fashion. Grids surface displayed in RockPlot3D can now include contours. Contour lines may now be added to 3D surface diagrams directly. Titles may now be added to 3D diagrams directly. A new option has been added to the 3D Log Designer / Lithologic Interval Labeling that can be used to limit the labeling to lithologies with specific g-values. Improvements: It is now possible to adjust the opacity of the background image within two-dimensional maps. A "Select Properties" has been added to the RockPlot2D popup menu. It allows users to select from a number of items when there is more than one item under the cursor. Upon completion, the Playlist now scrolls to the first checked item within the list. This makes it easier to test items within long playlists. When you select several Playlist items, you can enable/disable them all at once. The selected items can also be edited as text vs. editing the entire Playlist. The T-Data Time Graph program now has the option to specify the Date/Time format. The vertical height of the tabs within multi-page menus has been decreased from 40 to 30 pixels to minimize the amount of scrolling that is necessary when viewing menus within the Playlist. The ASCII DEM -> Grid program runs a bit faster when extracting portions of a DEM to a grid based on the Project Dimensions. Bug Fixes: The Borehole Map no longer displays at maximum extent if no labels are plotted. Editing selected playlist items will now copy the items back to the same locations without jumping around. Borehole Manager - File | Export | P-Data, I-Data & T-Data | All Tracks, can be set to measure Depths from the Collar Elevation without an error. Programs within the Playlist that are unable to create 3D logs due to no data will no longer interrupt the processing with warning messages. Instead, the warning message will be added to the Execution History listing. The Lithology Label Intervals / Center Text option within the 3D Log Designer now only posts labels on the logs. To download this software build, use the Help | Updates | Check for Updates menu inside RockWorks. Or visit our website and click on the RockWorks Free Trial tab: https://www.rockware.com/product/rockworks/ where you can download the installation program and install the new build right over the top of the existing program. (DO NOT uninstall first.) Note that you will not be able to use this new build of the program if your maintenance has expired before April 2024. Contact RockWare Sales or visit our Customer Portal (https://www.rockware.com/customer/) if you would like to update your maintenance. Katy Duncan RockWare Inc
  24. Many thanks for your fast feedback and quick change!
  25. Thomas, I just wanted to let you know that we have added a new feature to PetraSim v2024 based on you suggestions. We hope to release this later this month, but feel free to contact me if you would like to try out a beta version. The program will now allow the user to select the upper-most or lower-most exposed elements in a model. Best Regards, Alison
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