Volumetrics and Pit Optimization
Use RockWorks to create detailed reports and models as well as interactive views of volume computations of ore / materials / contaminants from a variety of data types.
Lithology Models
- View the volume of each lithology type right in the 3D window
- Create a detailed report of the volume of each lithology type, at user-specified intervals. The report can also list percent of material, numbers of nodes, and mass.
Stratigraphy Models
- View the volume of each formation in the 3D viewer.
- Create a detailed report of the volume of each stratigraphic layer, at user-specified intervals. The report can also list percent of material, numbers of nodes, and mass
Quantitative Models
- View the volume of the current quantitative isosurface (geophysical, geochemical, geotechnical) in the RockPlot3D window.
- The computation will be updated as you change the isosurface filter.
Color Models
- View the volume of the current voxel model in the RockPlot3D window
- The computation will be updated as you change the color/tolerance filter
Surface Based Volumetrics
Use tools in the RockWorks Utilities to create:
- Grid-statistics reports for isopach grids include volume
- Easy Stockpile volumes based on X, Y and thickness spreadsheet
- Grid-Based Volume Report incorporating filters based on thickness, boundary polygon and distance to data points
Advanced Volumetrics Tools
- The RockPlot3D viewer includes tools for quick model filtering and volume calculation
- Excavation and overburden modeling
- Pit generation and optimization based on boundary polygon, slope and bench specifications, maximum excavation depth and stripping ratio, using a floating cone algorithm