New in IgPet

  • New code signing certificates and associated software so that virus-checking software might be appeased and allow installation of Igpet.
  • Improvements to symbol customization.
  • New sym.txt files can line with and scale factors so that each symbol can be given different sizes. Double the number of symbols available.
  • Switch X and Y axis variables with the click of a button.
  • The Macintosh version of Igpet is now compatible with Ventura and recent OS versions.

Recent Updates

  • January 2024: Update to the Windows licensing and sign-in certificate.
  • January 2021: The latest versions of Mac OS Catalina made packaging Apps in zip files unworkable so the Mac distribution was shifted to DMG (disk image) files.
  • December 2020: Mac version update will allow Igpet to run better in Mac OS 11.1
  • November 2020: Improved X-Y axis labeling. Regression results simplified.
  • April 2020: The Windows version of IgPet has been rewritten using XoJo so that it is no longer flagged as a “corrupt” program by antivirus programs. Also, vector graphics output is now saved as PDF rather than a WMF file. The Mac version of IgPet is now notarized for use on the Catalina operating system.
  • December 2019: Added a warning on the correct names to use for the Fe oxides: only FeO and Fe2O3 are recognized. Failure to use the correct names causes several problems but particularly affects TAS diagrams.
  • October 2019: A bug that was causing the windows version to crash was fixed.
  • November 30, 2018: Released new installation files for Igpet Mac to support High Sierra and Mojave operating systems, 64-bit.
  • May 15, 2018: Released updated installation files for Igpet Mac to fix a problem with a Windows file being in the IgpetDocs folder.
  • January 2018: Released updated installation files for Igpet Mac in which the IgpetDocs folder must be saved to the Documents folder and the large IgpetApps folder is saved to the Applications folder.
  • October 20, 2017: Fixed an obscure bug in Igpet Windows.
  • February 23, 2017:  The Sierra OS will now allow Igpet to run
  • May 21, 2016:  The SpiModCalcs and SpiMixCalcs text files have the  XoJo code for the algorithms used in Igpet’s multi-element mixing and modeling. These are the core of Igpet, listed in relatively simple computer code.
  • Nov/Dec 2014 and Jan 2015: Quadratic and cubic regressions are useful in some cases and are now available. Minor improvements and one repair were made.
  • Nov 24, 2013 Created a utility, PTfO2Fe.exe, to partition Fe3 and Fe2 using Beattie (1993) and Kress and Carmichael (1991). Incorporated this logic into Igpet for CMAS and Pearce calculations, replacing the Sack et al (1980) logic that used just one T and fO2
  • Nov 10, 2013 Created decent Mineral plots finally, so far only Feldspars and PX quad but at least decent and accurate. Made the mineral keys the same on all PC files added another special keyword, “Mineral” to identify the minerals, e.g. ol is olivine. Significant changes in Mixing program and Mineral Plots to use this new keyword.
  • Nov 10, 2013 Created a Zoom button to blow up a portion of an XY plot. It is a crude zoom that needs to be adjusted with an Axis call.
  • Aug 22, 2013 Added Hoffman (2007) Mantle isotopic diagrams
  • Aug 4-8, 2013 Added ability to read csv (comma delimited) files and the ability to convert many GEOROC column headings (variable names) to Igpet friendly names. Made the file read method identify the first occurrence of “samp” in the top row as the column of sample names. Made several other small improvements.
  • June 24, 2013 Substantial changes and removal of several deeply buried bugs. Most obvious change is a new type of symbol file, a tab delimited file with explanations that should allow fairly easy customization, new colors especially.
  • May 29, 2013 Changes some logic in Spider plots to allow spaces to be ignored in element labels in spider.txt
  • Feb 21, 2013  Fixed Flaw in Lindsley Anderson px geothermometer introduced as last upgrade of the diagrams logic.
  • Jan 03, 2013  Fixed flaw in Mix calculation if a log was used. Fixed flaw in mixing if the variable was [N] normalized (S-Norm function).
  • Oct 22, 2012  Improved CoDoPi and added ability to screen sample name to sub-select window.
  • Oct 02, 2012  Modified mixing to make it easier to correct for FC. In IgPet Spider modeling, automated the CoDoPi method for REE inverse modeling.
  • Aug 29, 2012  Added mixing and recharge models to Spider modeling. Made new PC files. Added Mantle_traces data file.
  • Aug 15, 2012  Cleaned up some issues in XY models. Improved the Variable Form.
  • Aug 07, 2012  Added ability to use epsilon Nd and epsilon Sr in AFC models in Spider Plots.
  • May 16, 2012  Fixed various flaws in histogram, principally concerning Log values. Added logic to allow user to change the suggested % melts for Spider modeling. File PercentFs.txt holds the strings of melt %s .
  • Apr 19, 2012 Found and fixed a serious flaw in the AFC calculations for isotopes in the Spider modeling section.
  • Dec 2, 2011 Improved the Histogram plotting logic and fixed a flaw in the SubSelect Match and Exclude functions
  • July, 13, 2011 Added a new Legend option, a separate legend diagram
  • Dec 19, 2010 Fixed the equation for equilibrium crystallization in the Spider Model section, another long-lived flaw! Thanks Jurgen
  • Nov 12 2010 Fixed an error in converting CaO to ppm. An ancient mistake!, probably never found because never used! Thanks Sara.
  • Nov 3 2010 Fixed gross flaw in Pearce, JA (2008) diagram found by Louis R. Bernier.
  • Oct-Nov 2010 Repaired a round off error in the Histogram plotting logic. This was a tiny fix (from Int to Cint) but a substantial rounding error. Histograms will now be smoother looking. Fixed a flaw in Pearce 2008 diagram.
  • Aug 31, 2010 further effort to stabilize and make logical the various recalculations of ferric/ferrous ratio.
  • Aug 11, 2010 Fixed flaw in Sack et al recalculation of ferric/ferrous ratio that caused incorrect plotting on CMAS diagrams sometimes when the ferric/ferrous ratio was reset.
  • Jan 1, 2010 Extensive effort to make a user friendly version of a REE inversion method devised by Feigenson and Hoffman (see Feigenson et al. 2003 and references therein).
  • Aug 26, 2009  A series of significant changes. Added more diagrams from IUGS nomenclature and Peacock index. Improved transfer of drawings from Igpet to Word and Powerpoint. Made significant improvement to handling of Isotopic data. Added Hf and Os  into AFC modeling. The Model section of Spiderplots now does AFC calcs for Isotopes as well as trace elements.
  • March 2008  Significant upgrade. Added logic for Hf and Os isotopes. Added AFM calcs for isotopes (Sr, Nd, Hf, Os, Pb) in the spiderplot modeling section.  Added Isotope mixing in the Spider Mixing section. Improved screen logic to better handle screens that do not have a 4/3 aspect ratio.  Fixed error bars for log plots, bug in Diagram printing, added a few new diagrams