The ECO2N (TOUGH2 and TOUGHREACT) and ECO2M (TOUGH2) simulators supported by PetraSim are widely used to simulate subsurface CO2 sequestration in saline aquifers by modeling physical, residual , solubility and mineral trapping of injected CO2 in sub and super-critical conditions.
- Use PetraSim to create radial or three dimensional TOUGH2 meshes representing cap rocks and reservoirs with heterogeneous properties.
- Import conceptual model layers using xyz ASCII file or using GRDECL files exported from Petrel or other modeling packages.
- Assign material properties to each conceptual model layer, or assign cell-based Permeability and Porosity values to represent heterogeneous materials.
- Create vertical or deviated injection wells using the interface or by importing an ASCII file containing data for multiple wells.
- Graphically display changed in gas saturation and dissolved CO2 over time.
- Use TOUGHREACT and PetraSim to model and visualization water-rock reactions, including changes in porosity caused by CO2 injection.
Llanos, Ella M.; Castañeda-Herrera, César A.; Black Jay R.; Haese, Ralf R. (2022), Development of reactive-transport models simulating the formation of a silica gel barrier under CO2 storage conditions, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, V. 19, September 2022, 103739.
Brantley, Duke; Shafer, John; Lakshmi, Venkat (2015). CO2 injection simulation into the South Georgia Rift Basin for geologic storage: A preliminary assessment, Environmental Geosciences, V. 22, No. 1, 1 – 18.
Bruno, Michael S.; Laoa, Kang; Diessl, Julia; Childers, Bill; Xiang, Jing; White, Nicky; van der Veera, Ellen (2013). Development of improved caprock integrity analysis and risk assessment techniques, Energy Procedia (2013).
Brydie, J. R.; Perkins, E. H; Fisher, D; Girard, M; Valencia, M; Olson, M; Rattray, T (2014). The Development of a Leak Remediation Technology for Potential Non-Wellbore Related Leaks from CO2 Storage Sites, Energy Procedia 63, 4601 – 4611.
Dalkhaa, Chantsalmaa; Okandan, Ender (2013). 2-D numerical modeling of CO2-water-caprock interactions at a potential CO2 storage site in Turkey, Geochemical Journal, Vol. 47, 499 – 511.
Hermanson, J.; Kirste, D. (2013). Representation of geological heterogeneities and their effects on mineral trapping during CO2 storage using numerical modeling, Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 7 ( 2013 ) 350 – 353.
Hortlea, Allison; Michael ,Karsten; Azizia, Ehsan (2014). Assessment of CO2 storage capacity and injectivity in saline aquifers – comparison of results from numerical flow simulations, analytical and generic models, Energy Procedia 63 ( 2014 ) 3553 – 3562.
Huber, Erik J; Stroock, Abraham D.; Koch, Donald L. (2016). Analysis of a time dependent injection strategy to accelerate the residual trapping of sequestered CO2 in the geologic subsurface, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 44, 185-198.
Konishia, Chisato; Ohokaa, Masao; Ikedaa, Seiichi; Itoc, Makoto; Takagid, Masato (2014). The Impact of Including Heterogeneity into the Simulation Model for the Evaluation of CO2 Injectivity and Sequestration, Energy Procedia 63 ( 2014 ) 3070 – 3077.
Krevor, S. C. M., R. Pini, B. Li, and S. M. Benson (2011), Capillary heterogeneity trapping of CO2 in a sandstone rock at reservoir conditions, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L15401, doi:10.1029/2011GL048239.
Michaela, Karsten; Varmaa, Sunil; Bekeleb,Elise; Campic, Monica; O’Brien, Geoff (2013). Basin-scale Impacts of Industrial-scale CO2 Injection on Petroleum and Groundwater Resources in the Gippsland Basin, Australia, Energy Procedia 37 ( 2013 ) 2570 – 2578.
Plaksina, Tatyana; White, Christopher; Nunn, Jeffrey; Gray, Taylor (2011). Effects of Couples Convections and CO2 Injection in Stimulation of Geopressured Geothermal Reservoirs, PROCEEDINGS, Thirty-Sixth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, SGP-TR-191.
Strandlia, Christin W.; Benson, Sally M. (2013). Diagnostics for Reservoir Structure and CO2 Plume Migration from Multilevel Pressure Measurements, Energy Procedia 37 4291 – 4301.
Suchodolska, Katarzyna; Labus, Krzysztof (2016). Simplified Models for Reactive Transport and Chemical Reactions During CO2 Storage in Saline Aquifers, Energy Procedia 97 ( 2016 ) 509 – 514.