ChemStat is powerful
- Data set size limited only by computer memory for most tests
- Unlimited number of parameters
- Unlimited number of wells
- Unlimited number of sample dates
- Unlimited parameter name and well label length
- Easily exclude individual data points from analyses
- Fast Performance
- Full report and graph printing and print preview
- Export reports to tab-delimited ASCII text file
- Export reports to a word processor in rich-text format
- Numerous choices for page headers and footers, page left, right, and center
- Choice of multiple fonts and colors in graphs and reports
- Highly customizable user-interface
ChemStat is easy to learn
- Easily select parameter for analysis from drop-down list
- Complete on-line help with “what’s this” context sensitive help
- Advisor Window displays information about the method and suitability of the method to the data set
- Method selector tree allows easy selection of the appropriate statistical test for your data
Data Set Transformations
- Quickly convert from original data to log-transformed and back
- Easily represent non-detects with 0, 1, DL/2 or DL for any test
- Accommodate censored data with Cohen’s or Aitchison’s adjustments