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Where to enter specific bits of data in the Borehole Manager


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I'm very new to Rockworks and I've been trying to study the sample information to learn where some of my data that I need to enter into the Borehole Manager (BM) should best be placed.

I have a confined aquifer I'm trying to model. For this, I have various boreholes/wells that have each of the following: A water level top (piezometric water level), screen intervals where screens were installed, and interval locations where the aquifer fractured zone is located within the screen intervals.

I'm trying to determine where I should enter this information into the BM in order to best model it in Rockworks.

I understand that the water level top should be entered into the Water Levels tab so I can use the date attribute to correlate this with time.

In respect to the screen intervals, I expect these will be entered into the I-Data tab. If this is the case, would I enter the aquifer fractured area in the I-Data tab too? Or would this best be put in the lithology tab?

Thanks for your help,


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Hi Tom,

Great, thank you for the insight on organizing our project data in Rockworks.

Another question you're probably able to help with...if we open the project folder in Microsoft's Access, can we add records (not attributes, just records) to the tables and RockWorks will be able to detect and use the new records? As long as we replicate the extra columns that RockWorks calculates and adds to the Access tables it should be fine?

I'm coming into this with a GIS prospective and ArcGIS doesn't always play nicely with data that you've modified in Access. I'm hoping RockWorks doesn't have the same issues.



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