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Convergence problems


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Hi all,

I'm trying to simulate CO2 injection into a saline aquifer using the ECO2N module. I ran the problem on a ~30,000 cell grid, and it worked fine. When trying to ran the problem on a finer grid (60,000 cells, specifically refined near the well) I encountered convergence failure in the post-injection period after roughly 97 years after the injection. The solver stopped beause of "convergence failure following two steps that converged on ITER=1". I couldn't find anything unphysical in the results such as conditions where CO2 should be in liquid phase or high pressures. I tried to decrease the time steps but it didn't work either. Any other suggestions?

Thanks a lot.

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Unfortunately, it is hard to know what the problem is without looking at your model. The output file may give you some information about the specific cell that is failing during the model run. If you can figure out which cell is the problem, you could try rerunning the model with the print options turned on for this cell to see if the time history plot gives you any more information.

Feel free to send your SIM file to me - I would be happy to take a look.

Best Regards,


Alison @ rockware.com

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