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Exceed limit of chdump calls (1000)

Julio Rodrigo

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It sounds like you have the "Print Chemical Specificiation Output - ICHDUMP" option checked on under the Debug tab of the TOUGHREACT / Output Options menu. It states here that the simulation will end after 1000 time steps if this option is checked on.

Best Regards,


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Dear Alison,

Thank you for your answer. You are right and, in fact, the option was checked on. But, when I run the simulation again, it doesn't finish in the end time (5 years). Now the error is only "Singular Matrix in Chemical Solver, STOP". Is it possible this error taking into account that the simulation stops in the time 4,41 years?. I usually had this error just after running the simulation.

Best regards,


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Without seeing your model, its hard to know what the problem is (this error is documented on page 47 of the TOUGHREACT v1.2 Manual).

You might try setting a maximum time step to see if that resolves the problem.

You also might consider running the model until right before it crashes, and then restarting it with the CHDump output turned on - just in case it includes any useful information.

If you continue to have problems, you are welcome to send me your SIM file, and I'll see if anything stands out to me.

Best Regards,


alison @ rockware.com

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