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Borehole manager tabs


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Dear Sirs

please, I would like to know if in the borehole manager tabs there is the possibility to add information (i.e. top and bottom) of the probable aquifer or aquifers layers in order to construct section of the layers hosting the aquifers. Otherwise, have I to add this information in the lithology or stratigraphy tabs?

many thanks

Giancarlo Ciotoli

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Hi Giancarlo,

You can enter depth to aquifer top and depth to aquifer base, by date, in the RockWorks borehole manager's Water Levels data tabs. Then you can use the Aquifer menu tools to create surface (grid) models for the aquifer for a particular date or for a date range, and display them as a 3D model, fence diagram, profile, cross section, etc.

If you have multiple aquifers in a borehole, you will need to list their depths using different dates, and then generate separate diagrams for these dates. The separate 3D views of the aquifer model or fence are easily combined into a single view (File / Append) showing the multiple water layers. For 2D diagrams, be sure to create the diagram for Date 2 with no annotations, so that it can be appended to the Date 1 diagram (File / Append) as a simple ribbon of color onto the existing detailed section.

Let me know if you need any additional information.


RockWare Inc.

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