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Selecting first active element of a region


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Dear all,

I am currently utilizing Petrasim 2022.1003.

For some reasons, I am employing an internal boundary to delineate the topography of the model, and so far, it has been effective.

I utilized the internal boundary with an xyz file "DEM_tough_export.txt" to deactivate several upper elements (region 03), leaving the active domain as region 01.

I am seeking an efficient method to solely select the upper active elements of region 01, which represent the topography. This is essential as I intend to set boundary conditions specifically for these elements.

My initial approach was to create another internal boundary using a DEM offset of -5 meters. However, due to variations in element Dz, this method proved ineffective.

Could you suggest an alternative solution to address this issue?

I attach the picture below

Thank you very much for your help,

Best regards,


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This is a tricky problem because of the variable thickness of the elements in the Z direction.  My only suggestion would be to right click on the internal boundary and click "Select Visible Cells".  If this does not work with the current internal boundary, you might try creating one that is just below it to see if that works.


If you continue to have problems, feel free to send us your SIM file and the TXT file used to create the internal boundary (to tech@rockware.com) and we'll experiment on our end.


Best Regards,


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Dear Alison,

Thank you for your response.

I attempted to follow your instructions, but unfortunately, it did not yield the desired outcome. Several cells remain selected on the top of the internal boundary, and not just the upper one.

Additionally, I considered utilizing the Statistics feature to input a list of elements (copy paste) associated with known IDs (since I can easily access the list of active elements, and thus only the upper ones). However, it appears that the Statistics function only allows for the input of one element at a time, which is rather inconvenient.

I would greatly appreciate any solutions for future releases to enhance the flexibility of element selection.

  • Select upper active element of an internal boundary
  • Group to store Named cells
  • Statistics with several input at once (copy paste a list)


Best regards


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Thanks for the update on this.  It unfortunately seems that you may need to select these manually.


If it would be appropriate for them to all be assigned the same material type, then this is a cell parameter that is selectable (right click on the material and choose "Select Visible Cells".


Also, as you've found, if you assign a name to selected cells, they are listed under Named/Print cells.  These are not "groupable", but you can selected multiple cells at once by holding down the Shift or Ctrl keys.


I will pass your suggestions over to our programming team.



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Thomas,  I just wanted to let you know that we have added a new feature to PetraSim v2024 based on you suggestions.  We hope to release this later this month, but feel free to contact me if you would like to try out a beta version.  The program will now allow the user to select the upper-most or lower-most exposed elements in a model.


Best Regards,


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