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XYZ grid


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I always strat a project withe creating de XYZ grid for the bathymetry.

This time, I got the attached picture and I do not know why the contour lines have this shape and why they are not properly located compare to the color legend.

Do you have an idea how to make adjustement ?

Thank you very much in advance

Best regards



Nota: can you tell me how to send you the picture. The size is always higer than 15.05kB

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Since we resolved this through email, I have posted a summary of the problem and solution below.


First, attached is a view of the original contour map.  You can see that the contour lines and the color fill do not quite match up, and the contours lines are very blocky.


The problem seems to be caused by some very flat areas in the grid that correspond also to the contour line elevations.  This can happen when a grid is created based on digitized contour maps.  Attached is a view the modeled values and original control points.  You can see the flat area surrounding the original control points assigned an elevation of 12.0.


The solution was to turn on the "densify" option during interpolation, which adds additional control points in-between the original linear control points.  This gets rid of the flat areas and creates a better model.






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