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3D Bathy


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Good morning, 

I created a 3D model using a polygon filter.

I created a bathymetric 3D map using the resample math grid fonction fitting the project dimension.

My question is: I would like that the resample bathy fit the polygon countour ? Is it possible ?

Thank you for your help

Best regards








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My testing using RockWorks2022 shows that the grid NULL values are taken into account during resampling, so the extent of the resampled grid generally matches the extent of the original grid.  What version of RockWorks are you using?


Regardless, the Grid | Filter | Polygon Clip tool could be used to assign null values to cells in the resampled grid that fall outside of the polygon you used to clip your original model.


Best Regards,


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Hello Alison, 

thank you very much for your email. I use Rockworks 2022.3.9 version

I used Grid | Filter | Polygon Clip tool and now it works perfectly well.

Thanks again for your time. Your software is magic !

Best regards


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