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import excel data

Craig SS

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All boreholes that are input to the borehole manager need to have at least the following data fields:

  • Easting
  • Northing
  • Z Elevation
  • Collar Elevation
  • Total Depth

The Z elevation is the ground surface elevation. The collar elevation is an alternative elevation, typically above or below the ground surface, that might be used as a measuring point for water levels. If you don't have this information, you can use the Z Elevation.

If you are having trouble importing from Excel, you can paste your values into the Utilities data sheet and transfer the values to the borehole manager using the File -> transfer -> Locations->Borehole Manager function

Be sure to assign units to the column headers before transferring.

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You can assign the vertical units to meters or feet when you create your project. You may not have switched that to feet when you created the project.

You can reassign the units from the Settings/Coordinates/Reassign coordinate system and/or units without changing actual data

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