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Wish list repeat from 2006

Paul Maconochie

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Sometimes things get forgotten as the years roll by. I'd like to repeat two wish list items from early 2006.

(1) Keyboard shortcuts, gosh I miss them. Mitch said this was harder to implement than he initially thought. However, that does not make them any less desirable.

The hours "Alt Insert Row" implemented as Alt+I+R would save brings a tear to my eye.

(2) A request made by Berten Smekens, also in 2006, for a simple undo button. Ctrl+Z will do just fine thank you.

I would like to say how useful the "units per page" tool is, that was introduced in version 7, when printing out logs . I used to spend hours fiddling the paper size printing logs and checking if there was any slippage over 30 or 40 pages. Now it is just select 10m per page, 20cm for the body of the log and every time I get perfectly scaled logs. Allowing comments in the lithology description column has proven to be a very useful improvement too. I look forward to the next version.

Thank you.

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