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Comma instead of point


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Hi there!!

I have tried to add images to the log in an Image Column. It works very fine, looks good. :rolleyes: But when I close the tab with a log, or whole LP, and then start it again, links in Bitmap column change from like C:\xyz.jpg to C:\xyz,jpg and therefore don't work. :( It's all the same if I insert picture as "Link to file" or "Imbed in LPT". I use "Imbed in LPT" as default, and it sounds logical that link is no more needed (as LP should imbed those images), but error apears anyway.

So, do you have any idea how to solve this?

Thank you, Ozi

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Hi Ozi,

I think the error is occurring because of the way LogPlot displays your data file (.DAT) in the program window. When LogPlot launches, it looks at your Windows settings to determine the number format which is established (such as "," or "." for the decimal point). Then, when it opens a DAT file, it will display the file with the correct decimal character. Note that the data is always saved using U.S. number formats, but the display of the DAT file in the data window, of the LDFX file in the log design window, and of the compiled logs, should honor your Windows setup. What it seems to be doing is translating non-numeric entries as if they were numbers.

If you are able to re-enter the image file name using the dot character, and then compile the log and save the LPT file, reopening the LPT file at a later date should still work. Even if you choose Link rather than Embed.

We have sent this issue to the programming group and should have a solution shortly.


Molly Mayfield

RockWare Inc


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Hi there!!

Thank you, Molly and TomB, for quick reply!

Well, I was affraid that it was the US number format that's creating a problem. Not the first time - I had similar problems with decimal numbers in Interval-data tabs too. But there, it sometimes did happen, sometimes did not ?!? Anyway, I don't think that creating LPT files is a solution for me, cause I'm adding data all the time, as I get new chemical analysis data and so on. I guess I'll leave the bitmaps for the last. And, untill some solution comes along, I'll just have swich to US number format while working in LP or RW :-(

Thanks again for your help,


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Uh, I forgot to mention, I use latest version of LP (, WinXP (SP3);

decimal symbol ",", digit grouping symbol ".", measurement system "Metric"...

Thanks, Ozi

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Bravoooo!! :D

Works perfectly!!! Thank you, that was really quick!


P.S. Do you always fix LP problems so fast? I'll have to complain more often ;) !!

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