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Act2 graph problem


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I am new to GWB. I am trying to use it to bulid an Eh-pH diagram for Technetium in the presence of iron and sulfur.

I used TcO4- as the Diagram species. I also speciated SO42- and iron over x-y. The problem i had is that when I do plot, i hope both FeS2 and TcSx can be shown at the same time. It turned out only TcSx showed up. When I checked the log, I found the system does not take account of FeS2. Is there any way to make both FeS and TcS show up simultaneously?

Another question is that when I export the graph plotted in Act2, can I export it as txt like Gtplot file? The mannual says no. But I am wondering if there is any other way to do that? Can Gtplot accomplish Eh-pH diagram like Act2?



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Dear Dimin:

Can you attach your Act2 file? It's hard to know how to troubleshoot without being able to look at how you've set up your model.

Unfortunately, you cannot export a graph as text from Act2, and you cannot create activity diagrams in Gtplot. What is the reason for exporting an activity diagram as text?


Tom Meuzelaar

RockWare, Inc.

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Dear Dimin:

Can you attach your Act2 file? It's hard to know how to troubleshoot without being able to look at how you've set up your model.

Unfortunately, you cannot export a graph as text from Act2, and you cannot create activity diagrams in Gtplot. What is the reason for exporting an activity diagram as text?


Tom Meuzelaar

RockWare, Inc.

Hi Tom,

Thanks for your prompt response. I attached the act2 file.

The reason to convert it to the text file is that we can use the data GWB generates and replot it if we want to modify it. Like if I want to overlay FeS speciation over the Tc speciation diagram. I saw one paper using GWB to construct As/Fe/S diagram which is similar to what I want. In that diagram both arsenic sulfide and iron sulfide speciation can show up.




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Hi Dimin:

Have a look at the Act2 output file (Run - View - .\Act2_output.txt). It will give you the data you are looking for- at the same time, you can see that this output would not translate easily to a spreadsheet file.

As far as getting a diagram with both Technetium-sulfur and Fe-sulfur species, try creating a diagram for the Sulfur component in the presence of Technetium and Iron.

I hope that helps,


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