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  1. A new version of RockWorks was uploaded to the RockWare website, with new features, improvements, and bug fixes. The RockWorks Revision History includes complete lists, by date, of all changes in the program. New Features: The Solid Modeling / Algorithm / Directional tab now contains four algorithms, two of which (Line and Polyline) are new. The line-biased modeling provides a tool for specifying the endpoints for a line that will be used to bias the modeling. The polyline-biased modeling provides a tool for specifying the vertices for a polyline that will be used to bias the modeling. The main form will now auto-adjust to fit within the desktop if the last-used location was outside the current desktop. This situation can occur when switching between multi-monitor and single-monitor systems. A new program called “GeoCylinders” has been added to the Utilities / 3-D sub-menu. This program is used to plot geologic units encountered within boreholes or measured as color-coded vertical cylinders. RockPlot2D now allows searching through block text and text by name allowing users to find Boreholes or Data Points by their labels. New Bouguer Anomaly program added that converts gravity observations to Bouguer Anomaly values for subsequent gridding in to Bouguer Anomaly contour maps. Improvements: RockWorks will always start on the form where it was last closed and adjust the size to fit in the active computer screen. When importing an LAS file, in the LAS File Import Wizard | Options for the required borehole data, we have added a input field for Collar Elevation. Using very large Cell Spacing in RockPlot2D Pattern Legends no longer causes an empty legend. Since users might mistake the Cell Spacing setting for cell height the value is automatically limited to 5% in the properties dialog and in existing Rw2D files. Improvements were made to the Data Integrity Check program; remove T-Data duplicates will now handle comparing dates and records with NULL date values, and show the correct T-Data Type (instead of an I-Data Type) . The Backup and Restore options within the Borehole Manager / File menu have been duplicated within the Project menu. The Licensing help dialog has been updated to include the Toolbox. Bug Fixes: Borehole Manager - File | Import | Excel/Text | Row-Based - "Replace" option now works as expected. Raster images exported from RockPlot3D to Google Earth are now visible. The ModOps / Solid / Create / 3 Grids -> Solid program now displays the correct Input/Output sub-menu. The ModOps / Volume / Extract via Surface Excavation program now correctly extrapolates the pit to the edges of the user-specified perimeter (if used). If all the comments in the Peripherals/Title Block are blank the comments section isn't plotted. The decimal places within the output from the ModOps / Solid / Export / Other Formats / ASCII XYZ program are now based on the values specified within the menu. To download this build, use the Help | Updates | Check for Updates menu inside RockWorks. Or visit our website and click on the RockWorks Free Trial tab: https://www.rockware.com/product/rockworks/ where you can download the installation program and install the new build right over the top of the existing program. (DO NOT uninstall first.) Note that you will not be able to use this new build of the program if your maintenance has expired before February 2024. Contact RockWare Sales or visit our Customer Portal (https://www.rockware.com/customer/) if you would like to update your maintenance. Katy Duncan RockWare Inc
  2. A new version of RockWorks was uploaded to the RockWare website, with new features, improvements, and bug fixes. The RockWorks Revision History includes complete lists, by date, of all changes in the program. New Features: The Axis Labeling menu that is used by a variety of programs now includes options that determine what the margins, titles, tick-marks, and label dimensions represent. A new algorithm called 'TriLayering' has been added for modeling 3D lithology data. This algorithm is designed to provide a tool for modeling lithology datasets that represent layered but laterally discontinuous materials that do not laterally grade from one material type to another. The Project Dimensions Aspect (Width/Height) Ratio is now displayed within the Dimensions menu. This number represents the project diagonal (the horizontal distance from the southwest corner to the northeast corner) divided by the vertical distance from the lowest point to the highest point. A new Directional / Automatic solid-modeling algorithm has been added. Improvements: For Row-Based Tables imports to the Borehole Manager, the user will now be asked to confirm coordinate system/unit changes before processing the import. Improved the drawing of slices in a solid model. Added the borehole name to the output of the >Solid >Extract Values program. The Solid Model Declustering method has been simplified in order to ensure that the points created are centered on the voxel. The Grid Surface Declustering method has been simplified in order to insure that the points created are centered on the grid cell which enhances the honoring of high and low values and runs quicker. Excluded boreholes are no longer reported when creating profiles. The solid modeling "Constrain" option will not require an output file to exist already, user will need to specify that file if desired. The Label Contours option now also controls whether labels from a contour table are plotted. The "Add Points" option is now available when using the Lateral Blending, Lateral Exclusion, or TriLayering algorithms. Please note that the G-Values for the points must correspond with the G-Values within the LithoTypes table. The ModOps / Solid / Filters / Borehole Clipping program is now "multi-threaded" meaning that it's much faster The Profile, Section and Fence selection map now has an Over Zoom mode that allows unlimited zooming. The time required to compute the lithology volumetrics has been significantly decreased Bug Fixes: Color fill and contours are better matched for grids derived from stratigraphic or lithologic models where the cell values could match the contour intervals. RockPlot 2D Legend Titles will resize to fit the height of the Title Box set by the user. XLSM (Excel Macro-Embedded) files are now included in the list of files that appear when the user is working with a process involving an Excel file. In the Fence, Profile and Cross Section, the Location dialog no longer causes an Out of Resources error when the maximum zoom level is reached. The ProSect with Boreholes enabled only reports boreholes that are found to speed up processing. Borehole Manager I/T/P-Data Column-Based Import - The commas in field names are no longer being interpreted as field separators, allowing the import into the existing Types table (was creating new types). The LAS importer shows the current log types available in the Field Name dropdown list box. The Utilities / Planes / Planes -> Spherical Net program no longer adds items that may have been enabled within other programs. The Perimeter Cage automatic dimensions option now displays correctly when viewing Lithology models. To download this build, use the Help | Updates | Check for Updates menu inside RockWorks. RockWorks Link, click on the free trial tab: https://www.rockware.com/product/rockworks/ where you can download the installation program and install the new build right over the top of the existing program. (DO NOT uninstall first.) Note that you will not be able to use this new build of the program if your maintenance has expired before December 2023. Contact RockWare Sales or visit our Customer Portal (https://www.rockware.com/customer/) if you would like to update your maintenance. Katy Duncan RockWare Inc
  3. A new version of RockWorks was uploaded to the RockWare website, with new features, improvements, and bug fixes. The RockWorks Revision History includes complete lists, by date, of all changes in the program. New Features: A new feature for Playlists is that you can add notes. This helps with organization and when running the program later. The Playlist Add menu was separated into 3 main categories; Project Commands, Datasheet Commands, and Playlist Commands because the Add list was getting long. A Directional First Derivative calculator has been added to Grid|Math. The maximum number of terms that can be replaced by the Utilities / Misc / Replace Text program has been increased from 4 to 5. The Solid / Extract Grids / Solid -> Grids program now includes an option whereby the sampling thickness that is used when plotting control points can be different than the sampling thickness that is used to create the grid models. The Extract Values from Solid can now either use a single borehole as before or a list of boreholes stored in the Utilities spreadsheet. Improvements: Clicking on the scene image in RockPlot3D sets the focus so that the cursor keys can be used to rotate the scene. A right-click option was added to 'Modify Selected Text' in ReportWorks for text drawn all on the same layer. The Playlist Notes editor has been improved to look and act similar to the SQL statement editor. For the Labeled Axes the minor line can be disabled from view if it's not necessary. Exports from RockPlot3D to Google Earth now honor the 3D object's transparency settings. The Line Survey -> XYZ program converts geophysical survey data from a line-based format into an XYZ format suitable for three-dimensional display and modeling. The ModOps / Solid / Extract Grids / Solid -> Grids program now includes options for creating and displaying the grids. Redesigned the menu and increased the allowed number of targets and replacement fields to 10. This is for the Replace Text program. The lithoblending algorithm now post-processes the model to replace voxels that contain control points with the original control point g-values The Section, Profile, and Fence selection map now has scroll bars to move around when zoomed in. Bug Fixes: For P-Data, the Standardize menu saves the names of the P-Data tracks, instead of looking for the track ID. The Borehole Operations / P-Data / GT Compositing program now reads data from the specified P-Data column. We recommend that Network license users install the RockWare Network License Administrator v. 1.18. Contact support at rockware.com for a link to the latest version. To download this build, use the Help | Updates | Check for Updates menu inside RockWorks. RockWorks Link, click on the free trial tab: https://www.rockware.com/product/rockworks/ where you can download the installation program and install the new build right over the top of the existing program. (DO NOT uninstall first.) Note that you will not be able to use this new build of the program if your maintenance has expired before October 2023. Contact RockWare Sales or visit our Customer Portal (https://www.rockware.com/customer/) if you would like to update your maintenance. Katy Duncan RockWare Inc
  4. A new version of RockWorks was uploaded to the RockWare website, with new features, improvements, and bug fixes. The RockWorks Revision History includes complete lists, by date, of all changes in the program. New Features: A program titled Grids / Layered Solid has been added to the ModOps / Solid / Create sub-menu. Unlike the Grids / Stratigraphic Solid program, this program does not require a Superface and Subface grid for each layer – just a Superface. Instead, the program starts with the lowest surface (as defined by the order in the grids listed within the datasheet) and assigns the voxels below that surface and the base of the model (as defined by the Project Dimensions) to the specified G-value. A program titled “Grids -> Layered Solid” has been added to the ModOps / Solid / Create sub-menu. A new program titled “Gridded XYZ -> Grid” has been added to the ModOps / Grid / Create menu group. This program will create a grid by reading XYZ data from an ASCII text file or the RockWorks Datasheet. The grid will be populated by simply assigning z-values to the closest grid node. The IDW Layered solid-modeling algorithm will allow the user to specify a manual layer height; in project units or in multiples of the voxel height. A new option titled “Include Grid Profile” has been added to the Graphics / Images / Vertical / Multiple sub-menu. Added a color picker (eye dropper) to RockPlot2D that allows you to select a color displayed in a RockPlot2D or RockPlot3D window. The Envelope option within the solid modeling menu now includes an option to offset the base of the model by a user-specified amount. The Datasheet / Search / Find & Replace menu now includes an option to replace just the portion of the text that matches the target. If unchecked, the entire contents of the cell will be replaced with the “Target” string. The Histogram programs now include options for plotting two vertical threshold lines at user-specified magnitudes within the diagram. Improvements: Clicking on the "How-To" button at the top of the main RockWorks menu will now display two sub-options. The "Textual Listing" option will display an expanding/collapsing textual topic menu that can be searched. Clicking on the new "Graphical Listing" will load a large array of annotated "thumbnail" images into the default web browser. Clicking on one of these image thumbnails (or the textual description below it) will display the associated video, HTML file, PDF file, or image. The color selection button used in RockWorks and LogPlot now has an additional button that puts the program in eyedropper mode. It captures all screens and allows the user to select a color they want to use. Note the red outline that indicates that you're in selection mode and press any key to cancel selection mode. Under the Add dropdown in the Playlist, an option was added to enable/disable boreholes based on a list. Raster and PDF exports of RockPlot2D files can now be created with a specific width and height. The Vertical Exaggeration is calculated based on the calculated scales. The Solid Modeling Directional Algorithm works better for groundwater plumes. Added nice features to the Solid Modeling algorithm. The Peripheral dialog now adjusts the position of the splitter bar to make sure the entire dialog is always visible. A depth filter has been added to the Spatial Filters dialog. This option is ignored by programs not using depth. The Borehole Manager / Stratigraphy / Grids -> 3D Strat. The diagram program has been moved to the ModOps / Grid menu because the input does not rely on the borehole database. When you close a playlist, the undocked windows no longer dock themselves, which speeds up the closing process. Added the color selection button, including the color picker, to the Widgits | Color Convertor | Line editor and symbol editor. When working in the Map/Model tables that have a color field you now can right-click and select a color from a dialog with a color selection button. The I-Data a P-Data Interval Labeling sub-menus within the 2D striplog designer now include vertical scrollbars if the menus are vertically squished. A Tolerance option has been added to numerous programs that display a raster image in RockPlot3D. The Tolerance factor expands the range of colors rendered transparent in an image. A tolerance of 0 only limits the transparency to the transparent color. Higher values will include more colors. The RockPlot3D toolbar now has 4 buttons that allow the user to select from fixed above viewpoints (SE, SW, NE, NW) without resetting the zoom or translation points. Bug Fixes: Anchor Text in RockPlot2D can now be resized from the handles on the left. The "Display Output in Default Viewer" setting for Rw2D Exports to Raster and PDF is now honored. Changing between OpenGL Hardware and Software settings from the RockPlot3D About dialog now works correctly. Logical legends in RockPlot3D now display the text correctly whether in ascending or descending order. Compiled logs are no longer length restrained by the Lithology Descriptions. When working in RockPlot2D and using Text (BlockText) on your display, the 'handles' available on each corner will allow resizing of the text box. This will keep the spacing and paragraph settings. Use the cursor to move the text to prevent overlaying other details. The Color Names system table works better with adding systems, assigning names, changing names, and filtering them. A new system is added by adding a color entry (or changing one) with a different number in the Color System field. For instance using the number '3', as the first 2 numbers are the default system and the Munsell colors system. Automatically cropping the full project's image down to match a subsite no longer rotates the cropped image. Pattern Assistant for Litho, Strat, Aquifer, and Well Construction types - The 'Add' button now works as expected for adding Keywords and Patterns. Undocked windows in the Playlist can now be closed without redocking them. We recommend that Network license users install the RockWare Network License Administrator v. 1.18. Contact support at rockware.com for a link to the latest version. To download this build, use the Help | Updates | Check for Updates menu inside RockWorks. RockWorks Link, click on the free trial tab: https://www.rockware.com/product/rockworks/ where you can download the installation program and install the new build right over the top of the existing program. (DO NOT uninstall first.) Note that you will not be able to use this new build of the program if your maintenance has expired before July 2023. Contact RockWare Sales or visit our Customer Portal (https://www.rockware.com/customer/) if you would like to update your maintenance. Katy Duncan RockWare Inc
  5. A new version of RockWorks was uploaded to the RockWare website, with bug fixes, improvements, and new features. The RockWorks Revision History includes complete lists, by date, of all changes in the program. New Features: The Unidirectional Gridding Algorithm has been modified to use a method similar to the Bidirectional Algorithm. This means that the weighting will be greater in the specified direction. Tolerance will no longer be used. You may now selectively delete borehole data from a single borehole, from enabled boreholes, or from all boreholes. The menu item is at the end of the Edit menu in the Borehole Manager. A new option titled "Limit model to 3D convex hull "envelope" that encloses control points." has been added to the IDW Layered algorithm menu. If checked, this option will create an imaginary convex "envelope" that encloses all of the control points. This surface is then used to limit the modeling to just the regions with control points. It will also limit the top of the model to a surface that is based on a triangulated grid that is fit to the highest control points. A new option titled "Automatic" has been added to the IDW Layered algorithm menu. If checked, the Layer Height will be automatically set to twice the average minimum vertical distance between all of the control points. Added 2 special actions to the playlist: Enable All Datasheet Rows and Disable All Datasheet Rows. Improvements: The Peripherals menu that is embedded within all programs that generate two-dimensional diagrams (maps, sections, graphs) has been significantly enhanced. This may cause the need for some reorganization of the peripheral items and their sizes when you open diagrams created in older versions. The default file name ("LithoPhysics1.RwGrd") for the predictive model is now the same for the Create Predictive Model and Apply to the Predictive Model programs. The Borehole Operations / P-Data / Apply Predictive Model program displays the correct file name in the History list as the lithology for each borehole is consolidated. A scroll box has been added to the Peripherals designer to provide access to hidden portions of the diagram when the splitter bar is dragged to the left. The cursor used to edit size and location in the 2D Peripherals designer now changes based on its position on a peripheral object (arrow type cursor at side, corner, etc.). Project images can now be saved for the full project and Subsites. The image can be increased or decreased in size to fit the dimensions for whichever item it is georeferenced for, so the image is tied to whichever Subsite is selected. This increases the version of the Data Dictionary to 40. Bug Fixes: The Solid Modeling Directional Weighting now more accurately honors the search direction. The Image generated by the Peripherals now displays the Y coordinates in the correct positions in the property editor. The resizing issues in the Peripheral Designer have been fixed. The RockPlot2D Pattern Legends now show the Y coordinates in their correct location in the properties dialog. Using the Scan Data command in a Playlist now updates the Project Dimensions. Clearing the Playlist output tabs now locks drawing of 2D and 3D windows to speed up the process. Titles for legends in the RockPlot3D export to OBJ (Sketchfab) are now centered. We recommend that Network license users install the RockWare Network License Administrator v. 1.18. Contact support at rockware.com for a link to the latest version. To download this build, use the Help | Updates | Check for Updates menu inside RockWorks. RockWorks Link, click on the free trial tab: https://www.rockware.com/product/rockworks/ where you can download the installation program and install the new build right over the top of the existing program. (DO NOT uninstall first.) Note that you will not be able to use this new build of the program if your maintenance has expired before July 2023. Contact RockWare Sales or visit our Customer Portal (https://www.rockware.com/customer/) if you would like to update your maintenance. Katy Duncan RockWare Inc
  6. A new version of RockWorks was uploaded to the RockWare website, with bug fixes, improvements, and new features. The RockWorks Revision History includes complete lists, by date, of all changes in the program. New Features: A new algorithm titled “IDW Layered” has been added to the Algorithm submenu that is embedded within all of the applications that create solid (voxel) models. This algorithm was designed to provide a tool for quickly modeling large datasets that represent horizontally layered (but laterally discontinuous) materials. Video instructions are now available from within the Borehole Manager / Bitmaps table. Video instructions are now available from within the Contact Picking program. A video help option has been added to the 2D Peripherals menu. Video instructions are now available from within the Borehole Manager / Orientation table editor. A program titled "3D Tags" has been added to the Graphics / 3D Tools menu group. A sample input file titled "Infrastructure_Labels.RwDat" is now available by clicking on the Example button within the 3D Tags menu. This program is used to add item annotation to 3D diagrams. The RockPlot3D Digitize option has been added as a menu item under Utilities. A new "Search Tree" button has been added to the How-To menu. When clicked this will highlight any items within the topic outline that contain the search term. Items that contain the search term but are "branches" of a highlighted item will not be highlighted. The ModOps / Grid / Statistics / Scattergram and ModOps / Solid / Statistics / Scattergram program menus are now limited to linear regression curve fitting. Users can now specify the minimum and maximum colors for I-Data and T-Data in 2D logs; and I-Data, P-Data, and T-Data in 3D logs. A program titled “Solid -> P-Data” has been added to the ModOps / Solid / Export sub-menu. This program will extract the g-values from a specified solid model into the corresponding P-Data intervals within one or more boreholes. The Datasheet / Transfer / Strat -> Borehole Manager program now includes options for importing elevations or depths into the Borehole Manager database. The previous version would only import elevations. In addition, the program will now convert elevations to depths for inclined and deviated boreholes. Improvements: Titles for 3D Striplogs can now be plotted horizontally, vertically, or at a 45-degree angle. The RockPlot2D Scalebar can now be plotted with an opaque background. The menu items for the Project Notes: Load from a file and Save As, are no longer grayed out, and are functional. Users can now set the line style for Profile, Section, and Projected Section vertical panel lines. RockPlot2D Scalebars can now display either Meters converted to Feet or Feet converted to Meters. Added a button to set the "Project Coordinates" as that extent to use for the clip dimensions in the RockPlot2D Clip With Coordinates dialog. GeoTiffs specify the coordinate reference system usually with an EPSG code however, the GeoTiff may then specify different units for both horizontal and vertical values than the EPSG code specifies. RockWorks will now use any overridden units. The RockPlot 2D Scalebar selects a more appropriate interval when plotted as a filled bar and can be selected by clicking anywhere within its bounds. The Peripherals menu that is embedded within all programs that generate two-dimensional diagrams (maps, sections, graphs) has been significantly enhanced. This may cause the need for some reorganization of the peripheral items and their sizes when you open diagrams created in older versions. The Unidirectional gridding algorithm has been improved to vary the strength based on the difference between the direction and the data point. Bug Fixes: Plotting I-Data and P-Data within 3D striplogs as Cold -> Hot discs now works correctly with data that has a very small range (e.g., zero to 1.0). For example, the figure below is based on P-Data which ranges between zero and 1.0. Datasheet - File | Import | ASCII, Column Definitions are now parsed correctly even if the units have 2 words like "Local Meters". The status of faulting is now stored in the grid header so that faulting will be turned on during the contouring of existing grids. For already created grids without the Fault parameter, the program will check the grids metadata. Licensing: RockWorks will now create MP4 videos in which the original frame dimensions are not evenly divisible by two. If a user has a floating license checked out and then tries to connect to the License Server, the licensing will indicate the user already has a license checked out (as floating) and read that license from the local computer's disk. However, if the user's local floating license has become corrupted or otherwise invalid, the licensing falls back to try Trialware licensing. If the user then tries to connect to the server from the Network Licensing tab of the licensing dialog, the licensing will now warn the user the License is already checked out on loan. To rectify the problem the license must be manually "returned" from the "RockWare Network License Administrator" (run on the server) from the Tools | View User Status - Clear User button. The user can then click on the "connect" button to reestablish a normal network license. 3D model volumetrics calculated by RockPlot3D no longer include cells assigned null values if the G-Value filter is disabled. The Lithology Solid Model Output Filter now disables units that fall outside of the filter range. Forward Slash ("/") characters in Lithology, Stratigraphy, and Aquifer Tables are now being read correctly in RockPlot3D. Rw3D files will need to be recreated to correct this issue. Lithology models are now embedded in RockPlot3D files. Exporting Lithology and Solid models files from RockPlot3D as Shape files now include all Voxels including the voxels that would normally be hidden. Keep in mind that while RockWorks will create larger files there is a 2GB limit on the size of Shape files in most programs. The Borehole Manager Quick Map now correctly displays the background image when a Sub Site is selected and the image location is based on the Project Dimensions. We recommend that Network license users install the RockWare Network License Administrator v. 1.18. Contact support at rockware.com for a link to the latest version. To download this build, use the Help | Updates | Check for Updates menu inside RockWorks. RockWorks Link, click on the free trial tab: https://www.rockware.com/product/rockworks/ where you can download the installation program and install the new build right over the top of the existing program. (DO NOT uninstall first.) Note that you will not be able to use this new build of the program if your maintenance has expired before June 2023. Contact RockWare Sales or visit our Customer Portal (https://www.rockware.com/customer/) if you would like to update your maintenance. Katy Duncan RockWare Inc
  7. A new version of RockWorks was uploaded to the RockWare website, with bug fixes, improvements, and new features. The RockWorks Revision History includes complete lists, by date, of all changes in the program. New Features: Added the ability to copy “enabled” boreholes into another project understanding that the database structure would have to match for all the data to transfer. A warning message is displayed when an optional field in the target 'Location' table is missing. ESRI Shape Exports of Stratigraphic Fence diagrams now include the formation name as an attribute. This included reworking the appearance of the fence panels in the scene. Scales for RockPlot2D file in ReportWorks can now be specified with an engineering scale. Improvements: The Save settings in Peripherals now include user settings for each saved item as well as the layout for the pieces. Look for a new Add Margin button on the toolbar on the left side of 2D diagrams that adds a 5% margin to the edges around your diagram. This option was also added to the Utilities menu in RockPlot2D. Rewrote the Aquifer export. It now resembles the Stratigraphy export. ModOps | Grid | Export | RockWorks Datasheet - unused columns for Color, Thickness, Line Style were removed from the export. On editing a Playlist item as text: the text editor File | Exit and the Exit button behave the same. The File | Save behaves like a Save As and will now set the file extension to RWPlaylist with an option for txt. The File | Save As will still prompt to write back to the current Playlist (if modified). RockPlot2D Property dialogs are now displayed relative to the position of the mouse. Added the ability to copy “enabled” boreholes into another project understanding that the database structure would have to match for all the data to transfer. A warning message is displayed when an optional field in the target 'Location' table is missing. Bug Fixes: Grid silhouettes that are added to multiple parallel profiles will be plotted on the their individual profiles instead of projecting all of the grids onto the first diagram. Vertically exaggerated multi-profile diagrams are now displayed correctly. Previous versions would be plotted at a vertical exaggeration of 1.0 thereby requiring that the user manually specify the vertical exaggeration after the diagram was displayed. In the example shown below, the diagram containing four profiles is now initially plotted at the specified vertical exaggeration of 50X. The "Override Automatic Titles" option within the Parallel Profile menus (used by a variety of programs) now accepts user settings. The Load Layout option in the 2D Log Designer will now update the settings displayed in the dialog when you load a previously saved layout. The title height for RockPlot2D Color Legends is now adjusted when the Vertical Exaggeration is set from the main options to greater than one. The ESRI Stratigraphic Fence programs use the updated fence locations from the user specified table when the location tab is opened. We recommend that Network license users install the RockWare Network License Administrator v. 1.18. Contact support at rockware.com for a link to the latest version. To download this build, use the Help | Updates | Check for Updates menu inside RockWorks. RockWorks Link, click on the free trial tab: https://www.rockware.com/product/rockworks/ where you can download the installation program and install the new build right over the top of the existing program. (DO NOT uninstall first.) Note that you will not be able to use this new build of the program if your maintenance has expired before March 2023. Contact RockWare Sales or visit our Customer Portal (https://www.rockware.com/customer/) if you would like to update your maintenance. Katy Duncan RockWare Inc
  8. A new version of RockWorks was uploaded to the RockWare website, with bug fixes, improvements, and new features. The RockWorks Revision History includes complete lists, by date, of all changes in the program. New Features: An ESRI Shape file containing polygons can now be turned into a RockWorks grid file. The Playlist output tabs have been revamped. Double clicking ona playlist output tab will detach the page into a separate dialogue that fills the main monitor. A new item titled "View This List As An HTML File" has been added to the base of the How-To "tree". Clicking on this item and selecting the Copy option will copy the URL to the Windows clipboard so that it can be sent to other who may not be able to access the RockWorks How-To option (e.g., RockWorks is not installed on their machine). The new program to add boreholes to the database interactively through RockPlot2D now adds the Elevation and Collar Elevation fields if the map contains a color contour layer. The Project Settings file and Playlists now reference I/P/T data names rather than index number. Improvements: The Automatic perimeter annotation dimensions are now based on the extents of the diagram, including text blocks. It is no longer possible to launch two or more instances of the How-To dialog. This prevents problems with multiple-clicks on the How-To button. Model tilting and warping control now better followw user commands and selections. A video-help button has been added to the 2D Striplog / Projection sub-menu. The Striplogs / Log Profile tab has been renamed to "Projection" within the 2D Striplog Profile, Section, and Projected-Section programs to be consistent with the re-design of the 2D Striplog menu. Note: Striplogs within profiles do not have a Projection tab because they are always plotted using the Normal Projection (i.e., the logs are projected into the panel as-is). The Stratigraphy Picker was displaying the location incorrectly when the Vertical Exaggeration was not equal to 1, now user can set VE to what they want to view. Bug Fixes: If a GeoTIFF is an a geographic coordinate system (Lat/Long), the program was not converting the Z values. It will now retrieve the units from the GeoTIFF and convert if needed. The Add New Borehole function in RockPlot2D now offers a dialog where the user can select a surface grid, fixed elevation or no elevation for the borehole elevation. Additionally a a Total Depth is added. The Shape Polygon to grid program now offers replacement options based on polygon order, highest vale or lowest value. A suite of new tools has been added to a new tab labeled "Options" within the Utilities / 3-D / Tubes program. These options include the ability to wrap images around the tubes. When exporting I-Data, P-Data, T-Data, I-Text and P-Text and sorting by "Order Field" was causing an error when using SQLServer as the database engine. This was due to differences in SQL dialects, it worked with SQLite but not SQLServer. It now works with both engines. Borehole Manager: View | Change Sorting - now shows the current sorting of the boreholes. When the Data Dictionary is missing and is copied in from the default, we update it for any optional fields found in the database tables. The borehole location map options now include an option that determines if stratigraphic information labels will be plotted adjacent to the borehole symbol or at the plan view downhole locations. All boreholes are now included when interpolating a polygon-clipped lithology model via the Lateral Extrusion algorithm. The RockPlot2D Color Legend using the Min-Mid-Max scheme requires an odd number of intervals. If the number of intervals is not odd then the program decreases the minimum value by the contour interval. We recommend that Network license users install the RockWare Network License Administrator v. 1.18. Contact support at rockware.com for a link to the latest version. To download this build, use the Help | Updates | Check for Updates menu inside RockWorks. RockWorks Link, click on free trial tab: https://www.rockware.com/product/rockworks/ where you can download the installation program and install the new build right over the top of the existing program. (DO NOT uninstall first.) Note that you will not be able to use this new build of the program if your maintenance has expired before January 2023. Contact RockWare Sales or visit our Customer Portal (https://www.rockware.com/customer/) if you would like to update your maintenance. Katy Duncan RockWare Inc
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