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RockWare Support Forum

Pete Vogel

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Newbie (1/3)



  1. Thanks Mitch See reply to Molly. Pete
  2. Thanks Molly If I open RockPlot, I can read them. Previously i hadn't needed to do that. Pete
  3. I can't open my rk6 files anymore. I've tried importing them and this doesn't seem to work either. Any Help? This is the message I get "The file that you are opening appears to be from an older version of RockWorks that does not include the column title information in the file header. If you are importing a RockWorks97, RockWorks98, or RockWorks99 file, you can import the column titles from the old template files. To do this, check the "Import" button below and then select the appropriate template file. To use consecutive column numbers (i.e. not import an old template file), leave the "Import" button unchecked. IMPORTANT: If you save this file, it will no longer be readable by the older versions of the program unless you delete the header information."
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